Friday, 29 December 2017

A Crustmas Carol: a Retrospective Look at 90's Cavecrust Fury

Christmas. That time of year when you have to pretend that you are quite delighted to spend too much money, eat too much for no other reason than tradition and inevitably listen to your stepmother's nonsensical, but drunkenly loud, ramblings about the state of the world. What a shitshow. 

Ideally, this compilation should have been ready last week but its making was a time-consuming process I misjudged and, as usual, I wanted to make things properly. (Un)fortunately, there will probably be another Christmas season next year so it can still be of great use then. A Crustmas Carol (I know, the title is hilarious) is basically a collection of tastefully refined cavemen crust music released in the 90's (between 1991 and 2000, arguably the apex of this now derelict genre), with 64 bands and 64 songs in 90 minutes from all over the punk world. If you're like me and socially sanctioned festivities make you crave raw but super angry, pummeling crust music with hyperbolic gruff vocals then this is totally adequate and possibly the best present you're gonna get this year. Even if you're not so inclined, playing this comp on Christmas Eve will guarantee that you are never going to be invited again. You just cannot lose. 

Of course, the selection is not meant to be exhaustive but I tried to pick songs that reflected the essence of 90's fast crust in terms of textures, vibes and intents (there is no metallic crust bands on this one, it shall be for another time). Sound quality varies but I did my best to equalize everything and make the songs flow smoothly with one another. Most of them have been ripped from my record collection although I have to admit that I do not own every single crust tapes ever released so I had to use mp3's at times (the horror!). 

As usual, there is a download link at the bottom but, since we are growing lazier by the minute, I also magnanimously uploaded the thing onto youtube so that you only have to push a button to listen to it. 

This will outcrust the fuck out of you.    

01. Hiatus "Wars for murderers" from the Blind Justice for All / From the Outside Looking in split Ep with Embittered, 1992 (Belgium)

02. Deformed Conscience "Deep ecology" from their self-titled Ep, 1992 (U$A)

03. Warcry "Nazi punk fuck off" from the Keep Drinking Attitude demo tape, 1993 (Japan)

04. Embittered "In case of opposition" from the Blind Justice for All / From the Outside Looking in split Ep with Hiatus, 1992 (England)

05. Enough! "Alarm" from the Darkside tape, 1996 (Poland)

06. Global Holocaust "Média déformation" from the Split session '97 split cd with Obnoxious Race, 1997 (Canada)

07. Uncurbed "Mercenaries of war" from the A Nightmare in Daylight Lp, 1995 (Sweden)

08. Simbiose "Um lugar no céu" from the self-titled Ep, 1995 (Portugal)

09. Battle of Disarm "Human disaster" from the Join No Army Police And Politician / 反戦-反動物実験 split Lp with Brainstorm, 1993 (Japan)

10. Sauna "Love" from the Ei Leiki tape, 1991 (Sweden)

11. Blood Sucking Freaks "Alone in the aftermath" from the self-titled Ep, 1997 (England)

12. Accion Mutante "Fear" from the Fear Ep, 1995 (Germany)

13. Lies & Distrust "Dnesni scena" from the split Ep with Exekuce, 1998 (Czech Republic)

14. Warcollapse "Bloodtrade" from the Wandering in Darkness Ep, 1996 (Suède)

15. Mindsuck "Choice" from the self-titled split Ep with Unarmed, 1996 (Japan)

16. Under Threat "Bringing disgrace on humanity" from the split Ep with IAF, 1994 (Brazil)

17. Krvavi Mandat "Glupi fašista" from the self-titled tape, 1999 (Croatia)

18. Inhumanidad "Seguridad" from the Del Hombre y para el Hombre Factor #1 tape, 1999 (Mexico)

19. Masskontroll "An exercise in pointlessness" from the Carrion demo tape, 1994 (U$A)

20. Rotten Sound "With a sledgehammer to a head" from the Sick Bastard Ep, 1995 (Finland)

21. Disconcert "Your achievement" from the self-titled demo tape, 1999 (?) (Greece)

22. Blowhard "Motives" from the Harsh Ep, 1995 (Canada)

23. Doom "Reality" from the Greatest Invention demo, 1992 (England)

24. How Long? "Wojna (War)" from the self-titled tape, 1997 (Czech Republic/Poland)

25. Drunkard "Disarm the skies" from the Why, Why, Why? split cd with Manifest and Recalcitrate, 2000 (Australia)

26. Slaganfall "I'm the boozer, you're the loser" from the split 10'' with Scumbrigade, 1998 (Sweden)

27. Enola Gay "Yuppies death" from the Exempted Authority / Nihilism... split Lp, 1995 (France)

28. Destroy! "Yuppies beware" from the split Ep with Disrupt, 1991 (U$A)

29. Infekcja "Apolitycznosc" from the self-titled Ep, 1997 (Poland)

30. 3-Way Cum "Just another creep" from the The Last Cumshot? Ep, 1997 (Sweden)

31. Krush "Me and Mrs Jones" from the Murder Rhythms 2xEp, 1998 (Netherlands)

32. Proyecto Terror "Machicidio" from the Hagamos del Punk una Amenaza / Estado de Bienestar split Ep with Denak, 1996 (Spain)

33. Condemned "Depends on bloody human" from the Final Noise Attack compilation Ep, 1994 (Japan)

34. Hiastus "Your future" from the split Ep with Totuus, 1996 (Finland)

35. Namland "Dog will hunt" from the The Shame Ep, 1992 (U$A)

36. Acoustic Grinder "Stop the Flemish bloc" from the If you feel right you have to do it: Suicide / Greatest Shits split Ep with Turmoil, 1994 (Belgium)

37. Scum of Society "Questa e' la guerra" from the Violenza Legale Ep, 1996 (Italy)

38. Dischord "Fucking starvation" from the Uma Guerra entre Classes pela Paz entre os Povos split Lp with No Prejudice, 1998 (Brazil)

39. Disagree "Refuse to obey" from the Evolution or Regre$$ion / The End of Supremacy split Ep with Ungovern-Mental, 1996 (Canada)

40. Discordia "Ineleccion" from the Deteriorarse cd, 1998 (Mexico)

41. Toxic Bonkers "Goodness destroyed" from the If the Dead Could Talk cd, 1997 (Poland)

42. Unarmed "Massdeath" from the split Ep with Mindsuck, 1996 (Sweden)

43. Abraham Cross "Bad circulate" from the Meaningful Consolidation compilation 2xEp, 1994 (Japan)

44. Subcaos "Mete o lixo no lixo" from the split cd with Genital Deformities, 1994 (Portugal)

45. Disrupt "Lack of intelligence" from the This is the Cost of a Fur Coat!!! / Free split Ep with Resist, 1992 (U$A)

46. Amen "Leave me alone" from the Don't Imitate Show Your Hate Ep, 1993 (Finland)

47. Human Error "Fucked up school system" from the Another Bloody Intervention / Kill that Nazi Bastard split Lp with System Shit, 1999 (Hungary)

48. Intoxicate "Joza kraster" from the split tape with Radikalna Promjena, 2000 (Croatia)

49. MVD "Boiling with rage" from the split Ep with Pink Flamingos, 1994 (Germany)

50. Holocrust "The battle continues" from the Chaos of Destruction 2 compilation 2xLp, 2000 (Sweden)

51. Money Drug "Stanowczo Dość!" from the split Ep with Wind of Pain, 1995 (Poland)

52. Amnesty "Horrendous hypocrisy" from the self-titled Ep, 1997 (U$A)

53. Sarcasm "Ray the butcher" from the The Lowest Form of Wit Ep, 1992 (England)

54. Skitsystem "Slaves to misery" from the split Ep with Wolfpack, 1998 (Sweden)

55. Disbeer "Filthy and evil" from the Beerdrinkers & Hellraisers cd, 1998 (France)

56. Visions of War "Fucking choice" from the split Ep with Okotta, 2000 (Belgium)

57. System Shit "Pressure" from the Another Bloody Intervention / Kill that Nazi Bastard split Lp with Human Error, 1999 (Canada)

58. S.m.c. "Crkva" from the Hopeful about the Future split tape with Desinence Mortification, 1997 (Croatia)

59. Silna Wola "Potrojna konsumpcja w krajach rozwinietych" from the Chaos 10'', 1996 (Poland)

60. Society Gang Rape "Misär" from the No Fate cd, 1997 (Sweden)

61. Primitiv Bunko "Heavy bétail" from the Nový Světový Řád Stop Udělej To Sám / A La Plage Avec Le Conteur split Ep with Zygomatik Zone, 2000 (France)

62. Disabuse "Break down the walls" from the self-titled cd, 1994 (U$A/England)

63. Truth of Arize "Controlled freedom" from the No Hesitation to Resist compilation 10'', 1998 (Japan)

64. Χαοτικό Τέλος "Trampcore" from the Μπροστά Στην Παράνοια Lp, 1993 (Greece)


  1. wow, nice one.. positively surprised with Intoxicate, SMC and Krvavi Mandat..

    1. There was a solid crusty/anarcho/hc scene in Croatia in the 90's with some real good bands.

    2. yes there was.. not only Croatia but Slovenia and Serbia as well.. some of my favorite bands of all times are from that period and those ex-yu countries..
      hey, maybe you should put into consideration about making some series about ex-yu anarcho punk/crust, that would be awesome..

    3. I actually toyed with the idea at some point but I don't have enough material (yet) to do something solid. It is on my "to do" list but don't hold your breath.

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