Showing posts with label crust-punk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crust-punk. Show all posts

Wednesday, 7 February 2024

An adventure in split Ep's! I have no gun but I can split: AGAINST EMPIRE / HOLOKAUST "Threat to Existence / S/t" split Ep, 2004

This Ep is so quintessentially from the noughties that playing it again after some time was a bit like time traveling to a different era altogether when the internet was not completely taken for granted yet and still felt new. At the time being on Myspace was an issue in the scene which shows how far we've gone. This Ep made me realize how much I am, too, from the 00's and how I grew, as a punk and a vaguely promising young man, throughout this decade. In 2000, streetpunk seemed to me like the ultimate way of life, a happy land where you could be happy just by drinking beer "with the boyz", walking a lot on the streets, wearing too many studs and giving the fingers to "the system" and by 2009 I had formed a semiological critique of neocrust and its use of Nature as a personification of purity and of a paradise soon-to-be-lost to man-made industrialism, very much like 19th century romantics used to do (yes I was already a sad bastard) and I was patronizing enough to look down on people who had no knowledge of Philippine punk too. An exhilarating bildungsroman and a potentially ace biopic indeed. I should talk to my mate Thimotée Chalamet about it, he'd make a smashing me.

I was certainly not late to the party as far as Against Empire and Holokaust were concerned. What I especially liked about those two bands was that, not only were they both relatively new by the time I heard about them, but they were also the members' first bands as far as I knew (let's be kind and not count the Rage Against the Machine cover bands that they probably did in high school). New, fresh and clearly for my generation. I was enthusiastic and had no idea that 20 years later I would be sitting in front of a computer screen reflecting upon the subjective and objective significance of the record. Actually, at the time I had no idea that there would even be a "20 years later" with me in it. I see both AE and Holokaust as being particularly representative of Bush-era anarcho and crust punk, although the latter kept going in the 2010's and are still more or less active as I have seen recent gig poster promoting them. It's true that the rule of Bush Jr covered almost all the decade so that it is tempting to associate 00's bands as Bush-era bands but whenever I hear a 00's political punk bands from the States, the very production reminds me of the president. 

How many bands had radical and highly detailed anti Bush lyrics at that time? It seemed like all the bands had a song directly against the Bush administration, the Patriot Act or the war in Iraq. That thick as shit man was seen as a danger for humanity and to be honest a lot of what is still tragically going in the Middle East are consequences of the man's work. He was the Reagan to our 00's, he outreaganed Reagan, even as a Frenchman I felt like it was my duty to hate the idiot and wish for his beheading, and no one thought that the US would ever get a worse a president. Time proved that punks were not exactly the most clairvoyant bunch, sadly. Paradoxically I cannot really think of an anti-Trump punk song, I am sure there are some but he is clearly not as inspiring in spite of being even more hatable. Let's not depair, I am sure he is going to start new cool American wars by 2025 that will give us the opportunity to write antiwar anthems again. But then, to be quite honest, maybe it's not such a bad thing that there are not too many anti-Trump songs. The bastard is already everywhere (even outside the US of A) so I can understand why US bands would choose to keep his name out of our music. 

I liked AE a lot at the time. I loved the name, I loved the imagery, I loved the lyrics and I kinda wished I had a band like that if you know what I mean. I first heard them through their The One Who Strikes the Blow Forgets... The One Who Bears the Scar Remembers album from 2005 but I  got hold of this split Ep shortly afterwards. I definitely played the Lp a lot when it came out so that I still know all the songs. They have not all aged well and some parts do sound quite dated (or typical of the era if you want to put it nicely) but I don't really mind since, after all, to sound dated is to sound like your time, like you were part of your time and some dated things are very enjoyable. I loved their brand of passionate anarcho metal-crust, they did not belong to the stenchcore revival but still appealed to that crowd and their more melodic, melancholy riffing made them listenable to the then booming neocrust population. I remember people saying that the Lp was overproduced (a criticism usually coming from people used to 90's production or people who collect Japanese records) but compared to a lot of contemporary bands, it is actually a rather direct record and this Ep, the band's first vinyl appearance, is even rawer but just as angry. 

It is a pretty straight-forward affair illustrating what AE were good at: a balanced mix of US-styled anarchopunk and crustcore. At first, the opening song "Empire against environment" sounds like it would be very much at ease with 90's anarchopunk bands like Aus-Rotten and Deprived with its fast-paced angry vocal flow and a blatant Antisect-loving riff but then the band uses a full-on neocrust emotional riff on the chorus which I had completely forgotten (although there were some indeed on the album). I don't think it works that well and I would have wished for a simpler hardcore riff but then such endeavours were common in 2004. The second number is a traditional US crustcore monster with super gruff cavemen vocals (a little too forced maybe?) that owed a lot to bands like Disrupt (of course) or React and also Swedish classics like 3-Way Cum or Warcollapse. A Very good cavecrust effort with a brilliant scandicrust riff. The following AE record would be the aforementioned Lp blending metallic gruff crust with 90's US anarchopunk and some "epicrust" (or something?). A split Lp with Iskra in 2007 followed that saw the band with a different lineup include black-metal influences which did not really impress me (the whole record did not to be honest) and the year after the rather good Destructive Systems Collapse came out with a more dynamic and direct production and a solid 00's crustcore style (the band must have listened to Consume a lot). At that point I started to loose interest in AE for some reason and did not grab the split Ep with Auktion (I did get to see them on their European tour in late 2009 and they were quite good). By the time the second Lp Thieves and Leeches was out in 2011 I was surprised they were still going and I don't think I listened the Lp in its entirety.

Holokaust, from Moreno Valley close to Riverside, is a three-piece orchestra that I listen to more regularly than AE and some of their records I still rate quite highly. I am going to use the present tense as I think the band is more or less active and does play the odd benefit gig and festival. In retrospect the choice of their moniker feels a little odd. If anything, Holokaust is the modern band that epitomizes what Discharge-influenced peacepunk was all about. As a Southern Californian band, they are the direct heirs of this specific 80's tradition and sound popularized by brilliant bands like Diatribe, Body Count and obviously The Iconoclast. I cannot think of many bands that kept that sound alive (intentionally or not, this is not the point) after the 80's beside the mighty Resist and Exist (especially their late 90's period) and the cruelly underrated Armistice, a band I love that I will be writing about in a more or less distant future, both of which were actually already around when the OC crust scene was kicking in. As a recent incarnation of peacepunk, which is pretty specific, you would have thought that Holokaust would have heard of Holocaust, a band from Los Angeles that was around between 1989 and 1992 (we already talked about them here because of their inclusion on the SI One compilation Ep), was highly influenced by Crucifix or Final Conflict and very much part of the late 80's/early 90's peacepunk and peacecrust wave. Holocaust were by no means a high profile act so it was clearly coincidental but it is strange that they were not told by an elder that "it's already taken boys". But then, maybe they were told indeed and just though "fuck it, we'll just replace the "c" with a "k"".

Like AE, I got into Holokaust since the band's inception with their self-titled Ep from 2002, a record that I instantly got into and still love. It is the perfect blend of UK-styled Discharge-loving hardcore punk like '83 Antisect, Anti-System and early Hellkrusher and of traditional Californian peacepunk like The Iconoclast or Diatribe. Great stuff with a very pure old-school production that sounds very natural and not self-aware. Just good old-school pre d-beat Discharge-loving hardcore. The Ep was released on After The Bomb Records the label run by Adam from Masskontroll and Deathcharge (which makes sense). A split with Dissystema followed in 2003 (with a brilliant cover of Anti-System's "Dying in agony") which was poorly distributed in Europe and that I never grabbed and then our present 2004 split record. The basis are similar here with "Holy wars" starting with a metallic Final Conflict-like introduction before offering a classic Anti-System-style (they do love that band a lot and the vocals are quite alike) and "Genocide factor" and "Famine" being stellar early Discharge-loving hardcore like Varukers, The Iconoclast, Antisect, before d-beat was a structured thing. You know what I mean. The production is raw and powerful and I love how impactful the very pure d-beat drumming is in the mix as it confers a proper old-school feel. Holokaust's style sounds very spontaneous as they go for a classic sound in a way that few can achieve. The band went on to record a full Lp, that was unfortunately not as good, and three split Ep's with Wörhorse (not sure when this one came out actually, it could have been before AE's), Rattus and Armistice (that was an obvious one). A fairly quiet but delicious peacepunk band.

This was released on Threat To Existence which I think was a label run by an Against Empire member.  

Against Holokaust 

Sunday, 12 November 2023

An adventure in split Ep's! I have no gun but I can split: UNCURBED / SOCIETY GANG RAPE "S/t" split Ep, 1996

I recently went on vacation with my mum, something I had not done since 2012, for good reason as it transpired during this trip. Not that we argue much or anything, it is just that she is into the silent contemplation and connection with nature while I cannot help but doing a d-beat with my fingers whenever and wherever I happen to be. Beside I am highly distrustful, as a rule, of flora and fauna since the day  I got shat upon by an evil pigeon twice (!) in a single week. I bet it was the same fucker. Beside what are leaves for if not to hide dog turds for you to trod upon when you are taking in innocent Sunday morning walk after a barely remembered night out? Exactly. We don't get along much Mother Nature and I although judging from the lyrics of 99% crust bands trees are, apparently, crucial to the Earth's survival and, by extension, mine. So please don't die trees. Thanks.

Still we had a pretty good time and no bird fucked around with me. There is absolutely no connection between this quiet mother-and-son adventure and the present split Ep. In fact, had I told my mum that the prospect to write a review about a band called Society Gang Rape upon our return was very exciting, she would have looked at me with her usual look, a blend of worried disbelief and genuine maternal bewilderment that means "what the fuck did I do wrong?". And well, to be fair, I certainly would not wear a Society Gang Rape shirt. What with reaching 40 and being a bloke, I would definitely pass for a disgusting, revolting pervert, understandably so, and I would no doubt get my ass kicked before I can explain that the band was a feminist crust band from Sweden with three female members. That would definitely end up on some social media, I would be canceled for life and you would have to hide in the loo in order to read Terminal Sound Nuisance in secret, like a vulgar porn mag (note for zoomers, a "porn magazine" was a glossy newspaper with dirty pictures in it before you could not stream videos with your phone before). So yeah, I will stick to my Antisect and Deviated Instinct shirts. 

Both bands on the split were actually from the same - rather small - town of Avesta and both bands had the same contact address under the name of "Gunnarsson", a last name shared both by Marie-Louise (SGP) and Michael (Uncurbed) so that one could venture they might have been from the same family. Would the Uncurbed family be for real? I have never been there but wikipedia states in the "Sightseeing" section in order to attract tourists to this quaint little town that Avesta has the world's biggest Dalecarlian horse. Since you are clueless about what a Dalecarlian horse is, let me educate you. Dalecarlian horses are painted wooden statues of horses that have been around since the 17th century, at least. So I am guessing they are big on horses over there. Which I am not. They are mean creatures that stink of shit. For some reason, wikipedia does not mention any Uncurbed museum so there might not be one in Avesta which does come as a surprise. I have already written about the mighty Uncurbed and their really fun ...Keeps the Banner High album here, a work that illustrates rightly what heavy rocking käng crust sounds like. But the four songs on this Ep, recorded in August, 1996, a couple of months after Punk and Anger and almost a year before Peacelovepunklife, is different. Uncurbed loved the album format and they only released two (split) Ep's in the 90's, one with Disfear and the other with SGR. Possibly one of those bands that go into a songwriting frenzy before recordings and always end up doing an Lp. Not always for the best but sadly untreatable. 

If the four songs included on the Ep were instrumental and your eyes were closed, you would not necessarily guess that they are Uncurbed's. Not that they strayed far from their Swedish hardcore roots mind you, but still. Even for a genuine world-renowned expert like myself, with eyes closed and without the vocals, I would have said that we are dealing with a rare recording of some sort of Meanwhile or Disfear. The first two songs out of the four included on the Ep are impeccable raw pummeling "just-like-Discharge" d-takt scorchers done with taste. Of course the classic Uncurbed dual vocals immediately give away that the bunch of friendly Avesta punks are behind it. "The rope song" is a classic faster käng number typical of the band's catalogue while "Pissaa ja paskaa" is a short enjoyable Tervet Kädet cover. The production fits the songs perfectly, rawer and meaner than what Uncurbed usually go for. These are great six minutes. 

On the flip side are Society Gang Rape, one the few Swedish hardcore bands in the 90's that had female members. In fact SGR was an almost all-girl group as only the drummer was a man. This was pretty uncommon at the time and, if things have changed for the better, it still, sadly, is to a significant extent. The band started as a Swedish death-metal band in the early 90's and, just like hardcore bands, there were shit tons of those over there too. What a decade, though not a good one for hairdressers. I  cannot claim to be a connoisseur of death-metal although I don't dislike it and the Scandinavian brand has always stricken me as being particularly good (like their take on extreme music in general). The early version of SGR sounds very convincing with traces of crust already popping up here and there. They were initially called Sadistic Gang Rape which they wisely changed to the slightly less shocking Society Gang Rape. I have no idea if they ever made patches or shorts with the first moniker as the one google search I dared to do was extremely depressing. Obviously the fact that the band was predominantly female does cast a different light on the meaning of the name and highlights a proud feminist stance that is not taking any shit. Would it be possible for a band to have such a name in 2023? I can only imagine the online shitstorm and it is not pretty.

By the time they switched from the sadistic abuse to the social one, the band was slowly morphing into a decidedly crustier unit. Their second self-titled effort released in 1994 was a pretty typical 90's crust affair with brutal dual vocals but the production was arguably too clean and overall it lacked the aggression that the death-metal version of themselves, and indeed their later one, displayed. For some reason this recording was first released on cd in 1994 with eight songs and on an Ep under the titled More Dead Than Alive in 1997 with only four, both on Sound Pollution. Uncurbed and SGR were clearly closed tied with the American label that released four records of the former and two of the latter. 

The four songs on this Ep were recorded in August, 1996, at the same studio as Uncurbed and it is not unlikely that both bands recorded on the same day or week. The session proved that SGR sounded better, raspier and angrier when in all out raw käng mode. The songs are simpler, more urgent albeit a bit sloppier but then that's how the genre is supposed to be played. The metal influence is all but absent with only a delicious filth-crust break on the first song and a short introduction to the last one, itself a masterclass in direct chaotic pissed mangel hardcore with the cymbals really at the front  - I am sucker for that when it comes to this style when on the Ep format; it just works insanely well - that is almost Frigöra-like. Musically SGR here sound close to Uppsala bands like Cumbrage or Diskonto but the typically 90's crust dual female vocals bring something different in terms of flow, structure and scansion and made those four songs rather special in the context of the käng/crust/d-beat wave that swept over Sweden in that decade. I am reminded of the Swedish-inspired but crusty dual-vocal band Excrement of War, especially with Mags' voice, and in terms of gruff angry growls and shouts, female-fronted Polish crust acts like Stradoom Terror or Homomilitia are not far. Four songs in five minutes, no fucking around. 

However I would like to point out that the song "Fuck Chirac" is deeply insulting for French people and would make my dad really sad because he was a massive fan of the president (Chirac was a bit like his own Taylor Swift if you like) and he even shook his hand once (granted Chirac shook the hand of all the employees of the company but still, my father felt a bond).

Following this Ep SGR would release the No Fate Lp in 1997 (on Sound Pollution again) that globally built on the same basis but with a cleaner production (courtesy of one Peter Tägtren a death-metal specialist) that did not convey as well the similar vibe of a brutal käng attack and anger. Still a decent album, though a tad long, and one that you should definitely know if you are into what Swedish punks were up to in the 90's and into feminist or all-female hardcore punk, especially since the band seems to be half-forgotten these days. 

This Ep was released in 1996 on Yellow Dog Records, a once very active Berlin-based band and record store run by a member of Autoritär. A nice little record of crusty Swedish hardcore.  

Society Uncurbed Gang   

Saturday, 26 August 2023

Out From the Void Into the Digital Age: CRUST in the 2010's

Alright, I am back. So to speak because I did not actually go anywhere this summer as a thing called "work" prevented me from enjoying something called "life". But I am back in the sense that this post will bring closure to the massive undertaking that started in early 2022, namely an exploration of crust in the recent years. As my mate Paul often says between the fourth and the fifth pint, time is a constantly moving thing and I cannot really keep writing about contemporary crust from the 2010's for eternity, my shrink was quite clear on that part. Overdosing on crust is rare but not unheard of. 

So in order to wrap things up I decided to embark into an even bigger mission by creating compilations that illustrate what 2010's crust music was all about, like I did with the 90's and 00's. Except I ended up with an insane amount of bands. While I managed to deal with the previous decades with series of three compilations, it quickly became evident that there were just too many bands for the 2010's. So I switched from three to five compilations (and if I'm being honest I probably could have gone to six) with almost 150 bands. Does this discrepancy imply that there are more punk bands now than before? Or does it just suggest that with all 2010's bands having an internet presence to some degree they are much easier to find and their material is far more accessible? It might also have to do with the fact that it has become so much easier and affordable to record nowadays thanks to digital recording so that there could be more recordings and more studio projects but not necessarily more bands per se. In any case, a lovely project became quixotic and a little overwhelming at times. Did I have nightmares where I was persecuted by haunted crust pants? Yes I did.

You already know the noble principles of such compilations. They are meant to describe the crustscape of a given period from an international point of view. I already did specific Japanese crust compilations - with one about the 10's - so that I left out some Japanese bands to avoid repetitions. I tried to focus on crust as a whole and not just on so-called stenchcore or cavemen crust (the fanatical Doom-lovers). First because I wanted to bring at least a little diversity to the selection and second because even I would struggle to listen to 90 minutes straight of growling metal crust (or would I?) and if you want a compilation to captivate your audience, you have to include changes of paces, of vibes, have some tunes, some excruciating distorted moments and so on. It has to tell a story. A 90 minute long crust song is fine but it does not really exemplify or illustrate in a relevant fashion what the 2010's produced. So of course, all the gruff stenchcore units are there as well as the touching Doom/Sore Throat wannabes, but I also threw some heavy crust-flavoured käng hardcore, blownout distorted noizy crusty hardcore for interludes and bands flirting heavily with death-metal or grindcore. But don't worry, all the songs are crust-pants proof. 

The international perspective is crucial to these comps as it highlights the dynamics of crust. In this decade Italy and Russia were strong and bands like Cancer Spreading and Fatum (both still active) confirmed that they were at the top of the vegan food chain. Instinct of Survival morphed into something different and fascinating and demonstrated that crust could be a moving thing. Philadelphia and Halifax proved to be insanely brilliant strongholds. Swordwielder and Xaotiko Telos recorded the bast album of the decade. Portland and Poland are still there. South Korea, Argentina and Belarus appeared on the crust map. And even France had its crust bands (no less than three French bands here, fuck me). Old-timers kept doing what they had always done, newcomers unleashed the fury. Ridiculous amounts of punk records were released. I had to sell my gran's kidney to indulge in my addiction to crust. Tough times. 

As I pointed out with the previous compilations the decade-based format may not be the most relevant (but they are the most time-consuming) and scene-oriented compilations are better. You will find here bands like Axewield that stopped playing in 2010 and others like Warkrusher that pretty much started in 2019, two very different times but with both bands having recorded between 2010 and 2019, they had to be included. What international compilations are great at is the potential for discovery. Of course, I forgot some bands, exhaustivity is impossible and one has to keep a degree of subjectivity in the selection process, especially for punk compilations. But on the other hand I included bands that you probably have not heard of or never really listened to and hopefully it will prompt people to dig deeper afterwards. It is like a Royal Rumble, not every wrestler is brilliant but you always get to discover obscure new talents. 

I did my best sound-wise using my own rips or downloading the best versions I could find (I just did not have the energy to rip every song as it would have taken far too much time) but of course levels vary a lot, not to mention the productions and the overall clarity. So it is what it is (a meaningless phrase I'll grant you that). But what did you expect from a crust compilation anyway? 

These were fun to do and I believe they work well and are not boring. If you feel I missed some crucial bands, which is unlikely but possible, please comment. And if you know of solid local crust bands that I am unaware of, please feel free to write about them too. It is a work in progress. Play loud of course, grab your filthiest crust pants, your most derelict jacket, your stinky biker boots, grab some cider and enjoy.    




01. ALEMENT "Seas of consequence" from Onward 12" EP, 2019 (U$A)

02. BRAINCËLL "L.C.D (Liquid Crystal Deep - Sleep)" from S/t split EP with ZYKADE, 2019 (Malaysia)

03. PHYSIQUE "Weaponized faith" from The Rhythm of Brutality 10", 2019 (U$A)

04. KERETIK "Unelma kostosta" from Terra Mater LP, 2017 (Finland)

05. CONSTANT STATE OF TERROR "Throne of blood" from Speak Truth to Power LP, 2020 (recorded in 2014) (England)

06. WOJNA "Stołkowe Kurwy" from S/t split EP with Social Crisis, 2018 (Poland)

07. EXTINCT EXIST "Scourge Amazonie" from Cursed Earth LP, 2016 (Australia)

08. DEFUSE "Cry of roar" from Cry of Roar EP, 2017 (Japan)

09. STEP TO FREEDOM "Злая Молитва" from The Rotten Era tape, 2019 (Russia)

10. DECOMP  "Grim" from S/t EP, 2019 (U$A)

11. AMHRA "Reflejos" from Más Allá LP, 2019 (Spain)

12. WARPATH "Nel dilagare della follia" from Origini D'Odio / Nel Dilagare Della Follia split EP with NIS, 2011 (Italy)

13. COELACANTH "You deny" from S/t cdr, 2013 (U$A)

14. BLACK TERROR "Prince of lies" from Born Again tape, 2013 (Singapore)

15. TERMINAL CONQUEST "Lifeless pariah" from S/t tape, 2017 (U$A)

16. MASSGRAVE "Lack of control" from Absurdity of Humanity LP, 2016 (Canada)

17. DÖDLAGE "Genocide" from Hostile Regression LP, 2019 (U$A)

18. CONTAGIUM "Poisoned filth" from S/t EP, 2012 (Canada)

19. AXEWIELD "Fault segment" from Wisdome of Doom 12", 2010 (Japan)

20. RUINAS "Silenciar" from S/t LP, 2017 (Argentina)

21. HELLISHEAVEN "16" from S/t split EP with DISSENT, 2012 (Poland)

22. VISIONS OF WAR "King of swines" from King of Swines LP, 2013 (Belgium)

23. POLICEBASTARD "Sick sick system" from Confined cd, 2013 (England)

24. LASTLY "A look at the now" from Crazy Fucked Up Deadly Local EP, 2014 (Japan)

25. ABSURD SOCIETY "Society Which Collapses" from S/t EP, 2013 (Japan) 

26. ΧΕΙΜΕΡΙΑ ΝΑΡΚΗ / XEIMERIA NAPKN / HIBERNATION "Πριν ακόμα / Before Even" from In the Years of Desolation LP, 2018 (Greece)

27. REPRESSION ATTACK "Дотла / Down to the ground" from Алтарь Разрушения / Altar of Destruction EP, 2013 (Russia)

28. FEMACOFFIN "Dismal twilight" from S/t EP, 2014 (U$A)



01. ΧΑΟΤΙΚΟ ΤΕΛΟΣ / XAOTICO TELOS / CHAOTIC END "Χαμένος / Lost" from Υπόσχεση LP, 2017 (Greece) 

02. INFEKCJA "Inkubatory" from S/t EP, 2011 (Poland)

03. AVVIKELSSE "1945" from S/t EP, 2016 (Japan)

04. AGNOSY "Eternal winter" from Traits of the Past LP, 2014 (England)

05. DEATHRAID "Your turn to suffer" from Eternal Slumber LP, 2015 (U$A)

06. VERSKLAVEN "Baptism of fire" from S/t LP, 2014 (U$A)

07. AGE "Survive" from Survive EP, 2010 (Japan)

08. NIHILDUM "Verso il nulla creatore" from Verso Il Nulla Creatore tape, 2012 (Italy)

09. VOIDFILLER "The weight" from S/t LP, 2016 (Sweden / Belgium)

10. RUINEBELL "The hermit" from Embers' Grave 12" EP, 2015 (Spain / Finland)

11. DÖMESTICRUST "Aftermath" from ...Aftermath... demo, 2017 (Indonesia)

12. SISTEMAS DE ANIQUILACION "Tierras devastadas" from Guettos del Sur EP, 2014 (Peru)

13. RELIEF "Consumed" from S/t demo tape, 2016 (U$A)

14. GRIND THE ENEMY "The war of the poor" from Conform!!! split CD with WAR/SYSTEM, 2011 (England)

15. ASMODEUS "An abortion" from Life? tape, 2016 (Japan)

16. GEIGER COUNTER "Execution" from S/t LP, 2017 (U$A)

17. ATRAMENT "Sunken reign" from Eternal Downfall LP, 2016 (U$A)

18. SLAVERY "Smrtihlav" from OutSide V Wojcieszów compilation LP, 2017 (Czech)

19. CLAUSTROPHOBIA "Enajenadxs" from Sobre las Ruinas de la Civilizacion CD, 2013 (Argentina)

20. DEFORMED EXISTENCE "Commodified lies" from Hate With Patriotism tape, 2019 (Japan)

21. DEATH DUST EXTRACTOR "Intro storm + lost" from Make a Noise or Not at All split EP with RETURN, 2013 (Japan)

22. MORBID SCUM "Under vacuum" from S/t split tape with ASCIDIE, 2019 (France)

23. CEASELESS DESOLATION "Jutro" from Nicość LP, 2013 (Poland)

24. KÄRZER "Крысы / Rat" from  Howl tape, 2016 (Russia) 

25. RADIOACTIVE "Past mistake" from S/t demo CD, 2017 (Japan)

26. KALBRUCHING ACIDEATH "Mentality disorder" from S/t split LP with ZYGOME, 2019 (Japan)

27. MISERY "We are man" from From Where the Sun Never Shines 2xLP, 2012 (U$A)

28. ZYGOME "The other" from S/t split LP with KALTBRUCHING ACIDEATH, 2019 (Canada)



01. NOCTURNAL SCUM "Danger and Hell" from Danger and Hell LP, 2018 (Germany)

02. FRAGMENT "Abandoned surrounded" from S/t demo EP, 2016 (Canada)

03. CÖTARD "Delirio de negacion" from S/t demo CD, 2018 (Mexico)

04. BETON "Súmrak" from S/t / Misleader split EP with SKELETON, 2012 (Slovakia)

05. PSYCHOTIC MIND BATTLE "Guerilla warfare" from S/t demo, 2013 (Germany)

06. I.C.B.M. "계급 전쟁 / Gyegeup Jeonjaeng / Class war" from S/t tape, 2010(?) (South Korea) 

07. ALEHAMMER "Fermented death" from Barmaggedon LP, 2013 (England)

08. ASOCIAL TERROR FABRICATION "Folly of wisdom" from Under the Dark Force EP, 2010 (Japan)

09. Помрачение / POMRACHENIE / OBSCURITY "помрачение" from S/t demo tape, 2019 (Belarus)

10. AHNA "No one survives" from Perpetual Warfare 12", 2015 (Canada)

11. KRUSH "War = business = war" from S/t LP, 2010 (Netherlands)

12. RAW NOISE "Greed" from System Never LP, 2010 (England)

13. ZYANOSE "Condemn racist" from Putrid Sick Society CD, 2014 (Japan)

14. SCUMRAID "통제사회" from Control LP, 2018 (South Korea)

15. SOCIAL CRISIS "Ja Też" from split LP with WOJNA, 2018 (Poland)

16. URSUS "Una ostia tras otra" from S/t LP, 2010 (Spain)

17. BAKOUNINE "Polizia di mierda" from S/t LP, 2013 (France)

18. STASIS "Progress" from Progress demo tape, 2015 (Italy)

19. VASTATION "Don't uphold their law" from S/t / Omnia Mutantur split LP with MUTABO, 2017 (U$A)

20. NEVERENDING MINDWAR "Anguish" from Demonstration II demo tape, 2018 (U$A)

21. REVÖLT "Pogrom" from Pogrom EP, 2016 (Japan)

22. ZATSUON "No messiah" from Violent Nois Life EP, 2012 (U$A)

23. CONTRAST ATTITUDE "Mind of devil" from S/t split EP with ASPECTS OF WAR, 2014 (Japan)

24. KONTRASOSIAL "Kabar Dari Negeri Drama" from Filthy Scum EP, 2019 (Indonesia)

25. SUMMON THE CROWS "The burning" from S/t split EP with DEVIATED INSTINCT, 2012 (Norway)

26. DOOM "Thatchercide" from Corrupt Fucking System LP, 2013 (England)

27. HOLY EXTERMINATION "They need blood" from S/t split EP with BURN THE CROSS, 2013 (Poland)

28. FILTHY HATE "Hatred stench corpse" from Mentally Parasite... Bloody Predator tape, 2014 (Japan)

29. NAPALM RAID "No law" from Wheel of War LP, 2017 (Canada)

30. LIFE "River of filth" from Polluted Water Drainage Wreck Of Culture / Genosida Populasi split EP with ZUDAS KRUST, 2017 (Japan)

31: ΠΑΡΟΞΥΣΜΟΣ / PAROKSISMOS "Οι Θεοί Της Λήθης" from Οι Θεοί Της Λήθης EP, 2013 (Greece)

32. SKUNK "Critical death" from S/t split EP with EXISTENCH, 2015 (Canada)

33. HUFF RAID "Insect" from Euro Tour Tape tape, 2017 (Poland)

34. DISTURD "Darkness" from Dark cd, 2015 (Japan)

35. INSTINCT OF SURVIVAL "What will you do?" from Call of the Blue Distance LP, 2014



01. EXTINCTION OF MANKIND "Reap what you sow" from Reap What You Sow / S/t split EP with APOCALYPSE, 2017 (England)

02. PARASIT "The new disease" from Välj Din Egen Bödel LP, 2013 (Sweden)

03. UNARM "歪んだ秩序" from The Voice From Forced Silence EP, 2018 (Japan)

04. DEATH CRUSADE "Godzinę Stąd" from Rakieta///Bomba LP, 2017 (Poland) 

05. APPALACHIAN TERROR UNIT "Black sands" from Black Sands EP, 2012 (U$A)

06. SCUM SYSTEM KILL "Conscience of humanity" from Scandinavian Tour tape, 2018 (England)

07. HOSTILITER "Nell'abisso" from A New Dawn For Lost Mankind CD, 2016 (Italy)

08. HELLSTORM "All shall perish in flames" from S/t / Διαίρει-Και-Βασίλευε split LP with ΠΑΝΙΚΟΣ / PANIKOS, 2013 (Greece)

09. LAST AGONY "Agony" from S/t demo tape, 2018 (Canada)

10. ROXOR "Obraz doby" from Obras Doby! LP, 2013 (Slovakia)

11. ZIKADE "Collapse of a depraved society" from S/t split EP with BRÄINCELL, 2019 (Japan)

12. SUBLIMINAL DARKNESS "Construction" from 2nd Demo CDR, 2013 (Japan)

13. PHOZGENE "Ignore their pain" from S/t tape, 2017 (Canada)

14. JUVENTUD PODRIDA "Pandemonio" from S/t split EP with SISTEMAS DE ANIQUILACION, 2015 (Panama)

15. AKRASIA "The observer" from Observe the Darkness EP, 2019 (Norway)

16. LUST FOR DEATH "Ghost in a maze" from Demons LP, 2017 (France)

17. VOID FORGER "Pointless media" from Ruined demo CDR, 2012 (Romania)

18. ĐORNATA "Blah" from Simple, Fast and Good + So What LP, 2014 (Slovenia)

19. PUTREFACTION "Welcome death" from Scavenger EP, 2015 (Ireland)

20. WARKRUSHER "Epitaph" from S/t tape, 2019 (Canada)

21. MASSGRAVE "Presidents dick" from You Are Freaks too... tape, 2010 (Japan)

22. ZUDAS KRUST "Genosida populasi" from Polluted Water Drainage Wreck Of Culture / Genosida Populasi split EP with LIFE, 2017 (Indonesia)

23. D-CLONE "We make next generation" from Creation and Destroy LP, 2012 (Japan)

24. ΠΑΝΙΚΟΣ / PANIKOS "Το Ξ​ύ​π​ν​η​μ​α Α​π​ό Τ​ο​ν Λ​ή​θ​α​ρ​γ​ο" from Awakening From Lethargy LP, 2011 (Greece)

25. WAR PLAGUE "Crusher" from On a Darker Dawn LP, 2012 (U$A)

26. SEITAN "Krossa våldspatriarkatet" from Krossa Våldspatriarkatet LP, 2021 (recorded in 2012) (Sweden)

27. SWORDWIELDER "Cyborgs" from System Overlord LP, 2019 (Sweden)

28. CANCER SPREADING "Insomnia" from Insomnia / S/t split EP with FATUM, 2014 (Italy)



01. LAST LEGION ALIVE "Holy thrones" from Burning Eutopia split LP with CANCER SPREADING, 2013 (Belgium)

02. WARCOLLAPSE "As they decide" from Desert of Ash 12", 2019 (Sweden)

03. BLINDED HUMANITY "Nasi not nazi" from Mind Control EP, 2019 (Singapore)

04. INSTINCT? "Pray to death" from Pray to Death tape, 2019 (U$A)

05. WASTELAND "Killers" from ?, 2012 (Slovenia)

06. SOW THREAT "War is tragedy" from Hate and Love LP, 2019 (Japan)

07. ΑΠΝΟΙΑ / APNOIA "Διχόνοια" from Θρίαμβος Του Μίσους tape, 2018 (Greece)

08. OILTANKER "Coma" from The Shadow of Greed LP, 2011 (U$A)

09. NONPRESIDENT "Smacznego" from S/t split LP with MITRĘGA, 2015 (Poland)

10. NIS "Felicità" from Origini D'Odio / Nel Dilagare Della Follia split EP with WARPATH, 2011 (Italy)

11. WEALD "Black bloc" from Demo 2011 tape, 2012 (U$A) 

12. DROPEND "Grief" from Distortion Hell EP, 2013 (Japan)

13. AMBUSH "Ghastly remnants" from 4 Track flexi, 2014 (U$A)

14. CARNAGE "Final debt" from 342341n-1322717e tape, 2017 (Portugal)

15. LOS REZIOS "Izquierdismo (es mierda!)" from Clarificacion LP, 2011 (Peru) 

16. ROÄC "Beware" from Rites of Ostara tape, 2016 (U$A)

17. DEVIATED INSTINCT "End times" from S/t split EP with SUMMON THE CROWS, 2012 (England)

18. VITRIOLIC RESPONSE "Linge d'arret" from Dark Wings Spread / Your Life is Fucked split EP with SYSTEM SHIT, 2014 (England)

19. POLLEN "Demoralize" from Fear of Another War EP, 2017 (U$A)

20. KRANG "The Earth was blue but there was no God" from Sounds of Death LP, 2012 (U$A) (was supposed to be included on the youtube video but for copyright issues cannot. It is however included on the version you can download)

21. ZAY "The question of silence" from Silence and Clamor cdr, 2015 (Japan)

22. GENOGEIST "Systemic shroud" from 5 Track Demo tape, 2018 (U$A)

23. DEATH DEALERS "Starvation sells" from Files of Atrocity LP, 2010 (England / Sweden)

24. FATUM "Падение На Снег / Falling on snow" from Время Уходит Во Тьму / Time Passes to the Dark CD, 2012 (Russia)

25. LIFELESS DARK "Outcry" from Who Will Be the Victims? tape, 2018 (U$A)

26. ULCER "Vandalism" from Vandalism LP, 2017 (Japan)

27. RIGOROUS INSTITUTION "Penitent" from Penitent EP, 2019 (U$A)

28. MORTAL WAR "Slave to darkness" from Gates of Hell tape, 2017 (U$A)