Showing posts with label compilation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label compilation. Show all posts

Sunday, 18 August 2024

Kurwa CRUST Przeciwny Systemowi! An anthology of Polish crust (1991-2022)

I am finally back after an unusually lengthy break from the blog. Not that I was insanely busy, although I'd love to pretend to. I just needed some time for myself, not unlike a distraught parent leaving his children alone in the wood for a couple of weeks in order to sort his life out or a wrestler who gets injured after attempting an elbow drop from the third rope. I even toyed with the idea of stopping Terminal Sound Nuisance altogether and find another hobby that would bring more attention to my once ravishing greatness and undeniable charisma, like food influencer or a shark whisperer, something contemporary. I even took a pretty pricy but eventually useless selfie class in July (I was unable to pass the test though, something to do with me being the antithesis of photogenic or something). What is the relevance of running a punk blog these days beside making you feel prematurely old? Maybe the quest for relevance is itself irrelevant in this day and age when quantity largely prevails over quantity. The term "content creator" is remarkable in this sense as modern "creators" are not even able to qualify what they offer and resort to the generic and vague term "content" and as pop culture gluttons we stuff ourselves with forgettable but mildly enjoyable shit. Oh well. 

The thing is, despite investigating a number of alternative options, I could not quite figure what I could replace the blog with, which must mean that Terminal Sound Nuisance has to be kept alive. The absence of answer was the answer. And so here I am again, ready to rock (reasonably because of my bad back) and entertain the punk masses, something I was born for although my mum would disagree firmly. 

All this blabbering to say that I am back with a solid CRUST and to get things going again I have something special for you: an anthology of Polish crust. As even the least discerning readers will have noticed (they are few, I am well aware that Terminal Sound Nuisance's readership is notoriously class and well sound), I have a soft spot for Polish crust and, because the genre has never ceased to be not only popular but also strong in this country, working on retrospective compilations made a lot of sense. Fun was had.

I have already written quite extensively about crust and punk in general in Poland throughout the years and re-reading my elegant prose for egotistical inspiration made me realize how prolific, vibrant and dynamic the scene was in the 90's. Indeed, the claim that Poland was a major punk stronghold during that pivotal decade (in terms of bands but also of touring destination) is true and even a quick superficial glance at classic bands like Infekcja, Homomilitia, Sanctus Iuda or Filth of Mankind (to stick to my initial plan) can prove enough to illustrate this. If the crust genre became less popular in many parts of Europe, Polish punks faithfully, loyally kept producing quality crust bands to this day. Many of these bands' reach does not go beyond the country's borders but if you bother looking for information, instead of waiting passively for information to look for you, you will make some new friends. But since you are most certainly a lazy bum, I am more than happy to take on that role.

While selecting and compiling the songs, I wondered with a Sartre-looking expression if Polish crust could be described as its own subgenre, like the Greek or Japanese schools of crust, or if it was merely crust sung in Polish. While I would argue that its identity is not as strong and peculiar as its aforementioned two cousins, there are enough common recurring traits among all the bands to hypothesize a "Polish crust sound". First, with almost all the bands singing in Polish, the language with its sonorities, dynamic accents, its flow and pronunciation has an impact on the overall sound and gives it an aggressive edge. Second, more often than not, right from the start, Polish crust has displayed a heavy, crunchy, dark metallic influence, not in the apocalyptic sense like the Greeks (with some exceptions) but faster, thrashier and keeping a raw intensity. It should be pointed out as well that, originally and distinctly, more than in any other countries, Polish crust bands must be said to have been some of the best examples of fast and pummeling 90's eurocrust, far more Hiatus than Doom if you wish and if the genre evolved along with the rest of global crust scene (Japan being the usual exception) these are the basis and basics.

Do these can justify and potentially cement the "genrification" of Polish crust? Probably not, such elements can be found in other scenes abroad, however they still stand as meaningful, defining traits running through a large enough body of works for me to offer cohesive and coherent compilations. By no means has Polish crust been undisturbed and insensitive to the various international crust waves as the comps can attest. Some bands are more progressive, to the extent of neocrusting at times, others are heavily infused with death, black or doom metal, but the similarities are sufficiently present and relevant. I chose to leave out bands that, I felt, as good as they might be thought to be, did not totally qualify as crust although they certainly had crust elements like Silence, Deczcz or Evil or some of the faster 90's anarchopunk bands. Or as my sensei would sometimes tell me when he was teaching me the way: "it ain't crust enough my little lad". On the other hand, I did include some bands that are often seen as pertaining to the early grindcore scene, like Toxic Bonkers or Grossmember, but shared enough common points with their crusty contemporaries at some point. Subjectivity, yeah? 

I tried to be exhaustive without but I probably missed out some bands, either out of sheer forgetfulness or because they were either just too obscure or because Alzheimer arrived early at the party. In any case, you are more than welcome to mention bands that could have made it here or to point out mistakes. The more the merrier like my gran would say, although she was mostly referring to wine I guess. There are 2 compilations with 43 bands and songs in total ranging from the proto-crusty year of 1991 to our fetid modern time. Thanks to the people I borrowed (well...) the pictures from.

In bimber there is no choice    


01. HOMOMILITIA "Intro + To możliwe jest tylko tutaj" from Twoje Ciało Twój Wybór Lp, 1996 (Łódź)

02. HELLISHEAVEN "Sedes sapientiae ora pro se" from S/t split Lp with CREEPIN CORRUPT, 2009 (Lublin)

03. DRIP OF LIES "Lies" from S/t demo, 2009 (Warszawa)

04. SOCIAL CRISIS "Zachowaj spokój" from S/t split Ep with WOJNA, 2018 (Biała Podlaska)

05. FUCK FINGER "Zdrajczynie" from S/t tape, 2002 (Łuków)

06. S.O. WAR "Mili chłopcy z policji" from Bullshit Propaganda tape, 1998 (recorded in 1993), (Strzelce Opolskie)

07. UNDECIDED "Pokoj W niebie jak i na ziemi" from S/t tape, 1996 (Bartoszyce)

08. PATROMONIUM DEL PUEBLO "Pliczy się tylko muzyka..." from Pustka tape, 1999 (Dąbrowa Górnicza)

09. HUFF RAID "Insect" from Euro Tour Tape, 2017 (Toruń)

10. CEASELESS DESOLATION "Jutro" from Nicość Lp, 2013 (Lublin)

11. BURN THE CROSS "Thirteen" from S/t split Ep with HOLY EXTERMINATION, 2013 (Jasło)

12. FILTH OF MANKIND "The foundation" from They've Taken Everything - A Tribute to Icons of Filth double cd compilation, 2007 (Gdańsk)

13. SORROW "Black crow" from Black Crow Lp, 2022 (Poznań)

14. MITRĘGA "Przelana czara" from Kraina Wpływów split Lp with NON PRESIDENT, 2015 (Lublin)

15. CHORYGEN "Ścierwa" from S/t Ep, 2014 (Łódź)

16. DISABLE "Wojna 1" from S/t cdr demo, 2003 (Łódź)

17. STRADOOM TERROR "Kapitalistyczni hipokryci" from Głuchy Głos Protestu?... split tape with NON TIBI SPIRO, 1996 (Rzeszów)

18. ALCHEMIK SENDIVIUS "Cholerny sen" from Przeciwko Wiwisekcji demo/live tape, 1993 (Grudziądz)

19. GROSSMEMBER "Fucking pigs" from 4-way split tape with AGATHOCLES/DISCHORD/OPC, 1997 (Warszawa)

20. MIND "Full of dark memory" from S/t split Ep with DISTRESS, 1998 (Łódź/Berlin)

21. PIEKŁO KOBIET "W Pułapce Dziedzictwa" from Wyzwolenie Kobiet Wyzwoleniem Mężczyzn = Liberation Of Women, Liberation Of Men 10", 1998 (Łuków)

22. DISGUSTING LIES "Administracja" from Rich Man/Poor Man Ep, 1996 (Łódź)



01. INFECKJA "Ziemia" from S/t Ep, 1997 (Wrocław)

02. ENOUGH! "Dlaczego" from Darkside tape, 1996 (Gdańsk)

03. CHORY "Krzyże hipokryzji" from S/t tape, 2000 (Bielsko-Biała)

04. HOLY EXTERMINATION "They need blood" from S/t split Ep with BURN THE CROSS, 2013 (Nowy Sącz)

05. WOJNA "Stołkowe kurwy" from S/t split Ep with SOCIAL CRISIS, 2017 (Poznań)

06. TOXIC BONKERS "Kłamstwa w imię Boga" from S/t demo tape, 1994 (Łódź)

07. HOSTILITY "Tak bardzo sie boisz" from ...I Niech Jeden Strzał... tape, 1995 (Białystok)

08. BISECT "Zdyscyplinowane ogniwa" from Nastepna Krwawa Interwencja tape, 1995 (Radom)

09. SILNA WOLA "Anarchistyczny Czarny Krzyż" from Zero Akceptacji Dla Państwa Chiny tape, 1997 (Lebork)

10. TRÜD "Samogwałt" from Wszechświat B tape, 2016 (Torun)

11. VICTIM OF TRUTH "Więcej" from S/t cdr demo, 2010 (Biała Podlaska)

12. DEATH CRUSADE "W zamian" from Rakieta//Bomba Lp, 2017 (Gdańsk)

13. MENTAL ABERRATION "Cywilizacja" from Okrutna Rzeczywistość tape, 1991 (Gdańsk)

14. RZEŹNIA "Machina spoleczna" from Żreć tape, 1996 (Opole)

15. NON TIBI SPIRO "666" from Głuchy Głos Protestu?... split tape with STRADOOM TERROR, 1996 (Rzeszów)

16. MONOTEIZM CO-EXISTENCE "A homo sapie" from Patrz I Odczuj! tape, 1998 (Kolno)

17. SANCTUS IUDA "Prawdziwe Oblicze Kapitalizmu" from Rząd-Korporacje-Wy/Zysk tape, 1995 (Białystok)

18. NON PRESIDENT "Aborcja" from S/t split Lp with HUFF RAID, 2018 (Wojcieszów)

19. SCUMSTADT "Ścierwogród" from S/t cd, 2018 (Łódź)

20. LOST "Jak długo jeszcze" from Strach Lp, 2003 (Łódź)

21. MONEY DRUG "Przymus Państwa from S/t split Ep with WIND OF PAIN, 1995 (Gdańsk)


Saturday, 26 August 2023

Out From the Void Into the Digital Age: CRUST in the 2010's

Alright, I am back. So to speak because I did not actually go anywhere this summer as a thing called "work" prevented me from enjoying something called "life". But I am back in the sense that this post will bring closure to the massive undertaking that started in early 2022, namely an exploration of crust in the recent years. As my mate Paul often says between the fourth and the fifth pint, time is a constantly moving thing and I cannot really keep writing about contemporary crust from the 2010's for eternity, my shrink was quite clear on that part. Overdosing on crust is rare but not unheard of. 

So in order to wrap things up I decided to embark into an even bigger mission by creating compilations that illustrate what 2010's crust music was all about, like I did with the 90's and 00's. Except I ended up with an insane amount of bands. While I managed to deal with the previous decades with series of three compilations, it quickly became evident that there were just too many bands for the 2010's. So I switched from three to five compilations (and if I'm being honest I probably could have gone to six) with almost 150 bands. Does this discrepancy imply that there are more punk bands now than before? Or does it just suggest that with all 2010's bands having an internet presence to some degree they are much easier to find and their material is far more accessible? It might also have to do with the fact that it has become so much easier and affordable to record nowadays thanks to digital recording so that there could be more recordings and more studio projects but not necessarily more bands per se. In any case, a lovely project became quixotic and a little overwhelming at times. Did I have nightmares where I was persecuted by haunted crust pants? Yes I did.

You already know the noble principles of such compilations. They are meant to describe the crustscape of a given period from an international point of view. I already did specific Japanese crust compilations - with one about the 10's - so that I left out some Japanese bands to avoid repetitions. I tried to focus on crust as a whole and not just on so-called stenchcore or cavemen crust (the fanatical Doom-lovers). First because I wanted to bring at least a little diversity to the selection and second because even I would struggle to listen to 90 minutes straight of growling metal crust (or would I?) and if you want a compilation to captivate your audience, you have to include changes of paces, of vibes, have some tunes, some excruciating distorted moments and so on. It has to tell a story. A 90 minute long crust song is fine but it does not really exemplify or illustrate in a relevant fashion what the 2010's produced. So of course, all the gruff stenchcore units are there as well as the touching Doom/Sore Throat wannabes, but I also threw some heavy crust-flavoured käng hardcore, blownout distorted noizy crusty hardcore for interludes and bands flirting heavily with death-metal or grindcore. But don't worry, all the songs are crust-pants proof. 

The international perspective is crucial to these comps as it highlights the dynamics of crust. In this decade Italy and Russia were strong and bands like Cancer Spreading and Fatum (both still active) confirmed that they were at the top of the vegan food chain. Instinct of Survival morphed into something different and fascinating and demonstrated that crust could be a moving thing. Philadelphia and Halifax proved to be insanely brilliant strongholds. Swordwielder and Xaotiko Telos recorded the bast album of the decade. Portland and Poland are still there. South Korea, Argentina and Belarus appeared on the crust map. And even France had its crust bands (no less than three French bands here, fuck me). Old-timers kept doing what they had always done, newcomers unleashed the fury. Ridiculous amounts of punk records were released. I had to sell my gran's kidney to indulge in my addiction to crust. Tough times. 

As I pointed out with the previous compilations the decade-based format may not be the most relevant (but they are the most time-consuming) and scene-oriented compilations are better. You will find here bands like Axewield that stopped playing in 2010 and others like Warkrusher that pretty much started in 2019, two very different times but with both bands having recorded between 2010 and 2019, they had to be included. What international compilations are great at is the potential for discovery. Of course, I forgot some bands, exhaustivity is impossible and one has to keep a degree of subjectivity in the selection process, especially for punk compilations. But on the other hand I included bands that you probably have not heard of or never really listened to and hopefully it will prompt people to dig deeper afterwards. It is like a Royal Rumble, not every wrestler is brilliant but you always get to discover obscure new talents. 

I did my best sound-wise using my own rips or downloading the best versions I could find (I just did not have the energy to rip every song as it would have taken far too much time) but of course levels vary a lot, not to mention the productions and the overall clarity. So it is what it is (a meaningless phrase I'll grant you that). But what did you expect from a crust compilation anyway? 

These were fun to do and I believe they work well and are not boring. If you feel I missed some crucial bands, which is unlikely but possible, please comment. And if you know of solid local crust bands that I am unaware of, please feel free to write about them too. It is a work in progress. Play loud of course, grab your filthiest crust pants, your most derelict jacket, your stinky biker boots, grab some cider and enjoy.    




01. ALEMENT "Seas of consequence" from Onward 12" EP, 2019 (U$A)

02. BRAINCËLL "L.C.D (Liquid Crystal Deep - Sleep)" from S/t split EP with ZYKADE, 2019 (Malaysia)

03. PHYSIQUE "Weaponized faith" from The Rhythm of Brutality 10", 2019 (U$A)

04. KERETIK "Unelma kostosta" from Terra Mater LP, 2017 (Finland)

05. CONSTANT STATE OF TERROR "Throne of blood" from Speak Truth to Power LP, 2020 (recorded in 2014) (England)

06. WOJNA "Stołkowe Kurwy" from S/t split EP with Social Crisis, 2018 (Poland)

07. EXTINCT EXIST "Scourge Amazonie" from Cursed Earth LP, 2016 (Australia)

08. DEFUSE "Cry of roar" from Cry of Roar EP, 2017 (Japan)

09. STEP TO FREEDOM "Злая Молитва" from The Rotten Era tape, 2019 (Russia)

10. DECOMP  "Grim" from S/t EP, 2019 (U$A)

11. AMHRA "Reflejos" from Más Allá LP, 2019 (Spain)

12. WARPATH "Nel dilagare della follia" from Origini D'Odio / Nel Dilagare Della Follia split EP with NIS, 2011 (Italy)

13. COELACANTH "You deny" from S/t cdr, 2013 (U$A)

14. BLACK TERROR "Prince of lies" from Born Again tape, 2013 (Singapore)

15. TERMINAL CONQUEST "Lifeless pariah" from S/t tape, 2017 (U$A)

16. MASSGRAVE "Lack of control" from Absurdity of Humanity LP, 2016 (Canada)

17. DÖDLAGE "Genocide" from Hostile Regression LP, 2019 (U$A)

18. CONTAGIUM "Poisoned filth" from S/t EP, 2012 (Canada)

19. AXEWIELD "Fault segment" from Wisdome of Doom 12", 2010 (Japan)

20. RUINAS "Silenciar" from S/t LP, 2017 (Argentina)

21. HELLISHEAVEN "16" from S/t split EP with DISSENT, 2012 (Poland)

22. VISIONS OF WAR "King of swines" from King of Swines LP, 2013 (Belgium)

23. POLICEBASTARD "Sick sick system" from Confined cd, 2013 (England)

24. LASTLY "A look at the now" from Crazy Fucked Up Deadly Local EP, 2014 (Japan)

25. ABSURD SOCIETY "Society Which Collapses" from S/t EP, 2013 (Japan) 

26. ΧΕΙΜΕΡΙΑ ΝΑΡΚΗ / XEIMERIA NAPKN / HIBERNATION "Πριν ακόμα / Before Even" from In the Years of Desolation LP, 2018 (Greece)

27. REPRESSION ATTACK "Дотла / Down to the ground" from Алтарь Разрушения / Altar of Destruction EP, 2013 (Russia)

28. FEMACOFFIN "Dismal twilight" from S/t EP, 2014 (U$A)



01. ΧΑΟΤΙΚΟ ΤΕΛΟΣ / XAOTICO TELOS / CHAOTIC END "Χαμένος / Lost" from Υπόσχεση LP, 2017 (Greece) 

02. INFEKCJA "Inkubatory" from S/t EP, 2011 (Poland)

03. AVVIKELSSE "1945" from S/t EP, 2016 (Japan)

04. AGNOSY "Eternal winter" from Traits of the Past LP, 2014 (England)

05. DEATHRAID "Your turn to suffer" from Eternal Slumber LP, 2015 (U$A)

06. VERSKLAVEN "Baptism of fire" from S/t LP, 2014 (U$A)

07. AGE "Survive" from Survive EP, 2010 (Japan)

08. NIHILDUM "Verso il nulla creatore" from Verso Il Nulla Creatore tape, 2012 (Italy)

09. VOIDFILLER "The weight" from S/t LP, 2016 (Sweden / Belgium)

10. RUINEBELL "The hermit" from Embers' Grave 12" EP, 2015 (Spain / Finland)

11. DÖMESTICRUST "Aftermath" from ...Aftermath... demo, 2017 (Indonesia)

12. SISTEMAS DE ANIQUILACION "Tierras devastadas" from Guettos del Sur EP, 2014 (Peru)

13. RELIEF "Consumed" from S/t demo tape, 2016 (U$A)

14. GRIND THE ENEMY "The war of the poor" from Conform!!! split CD with WAR/SYSTEM, 2011 (England)

15. ASMODEUS "An abortion" from Life? tape, 2016 (Japan)

16. GEIGER COUNTER "Execution" from S/t LP, 2017 (U$A)

17. ATRAMENT "Sunken reign" from Eternal Downfall LP, 2016 (U$A)

18. SLAVERY "Smrtihlav" from OutSide V Wojcieszów compilation LP, 2017 (Czech)

19. CLAUSTROPHOBIA "Enajenadxs" from Sobre las Ruinas de la Civilizacion CD, 2013 (Argentina)

20. DEFORMED EXISTENCE "Commodified lies" from Hate With Patriotism tape, 2019 (Japan)

21. DEATH DUST EXTRACTOR "Intro storm + lost" from Make a Noise or Not at All split EP with RETURN, 2013 (Japan)

22. MORBID SCUM "Under vacuum" from S/t split tape with ASCIDIE, 2019 (France)

23. CEASELESS DESOLATION "Jutro" from Nicość LP, 2013 (Poland)

24. KÄRZER "Крысы / Rat" from  Howl tape, 2016 (Russia) 

25. RADIOACTIVE "Past mistake" from S/t demo CD, 2017 (Japan)

26. KALBRUCHING ACIDEATH "Mentality disorder" from S/t split LP with ZYGOME, 2019 (Japan)

27. MISERY "We are man" from From Where the Sun Never Shines 2xLP, 2012 (U$A)

28. ZYGOME "The other" from S/t split LP with KALTBRUCHING ACIDEATH, 2019 (Canada)



01. NOCTURNAL SCUM "Danger and Hell" from Danger and Hell LP, 2018 (Germany)

02. FRAGMENT "Abandoned surrounded" from S/t demo EP, 2016 (Canada)

03. CÖTARD "Delirio de negacion" from S/t demo CD, 2018 (Mexico)

04. BETON "Súmrak" from S/t / Misleader split EP with SKELETON, 2012 (Slovakia)

05. PSYCHOTIC MIND BATTLE "Guerilla warfare" from S/t demo, 2013 (Germany)

06. I.C.B.M. "계급 전쟁 / Gyegeup Jeonjaeng / Class war" from S/t tape, 2010(?) (South Korea) 

07. ALEHAMMER "Fermented death" from Barmaggedon LP, 2013 (England)

08. ASOCIAL TERROR FABRICATION "Folly of wisdom" from Under the Dark Force EP, 2010 (Japan)

09. Помрачение / POMRACHENIE / OBSCURITY "помрачение" from S/t demo tape, 2019 (Belarus)

10. AHNA "No one survives" from Perpetual Warfare 12", 2015 (Canada)

11. KRUSH "War = business = war" from S/t LP, 2010 (Netherlands)

12. RAW NOISE "Greed" from System Never LP, 2010 (England)

13. ZYANOSE "Condemn racist" from Putrid Sick Society CD, 2014 (Japan)

14. SCUMRAID "통제사회" from Control LP, 2018 (South Korea)

15. SOCIAL CRISIS "Ja Też" from split LP with WOJNA, 2018 (Poland)

16. URSUS "Una ostia tras otra" from S/t LP, 2010 (Spain)

17. BAKOUNINE "Polizia di mierda" from S/t LP, 2013 (France)

18. STASIS "Progress" from Progress demo tape, 2015 (Italy)

19. VASTATION "Don't uphold their law" from S/t / Omnia Mutantur split LP with MUTABO, 2017 (U$A)

20. NEVERENDING MINDWAR "Anguish" from Demonstration II demo tape, 2018 (U$A)

21. REVÖLT "Pogrom" from Pogrom EP, 2016 (Japan)

22. ZATSUON "No messiah" from Violent Nois Life EP, 2012 (U$A)

23. CONTRAST ATTITUDE "Mind of devil" from S/t split EP with ASPECTS OF WAR, 2014 (Japan)

24. KONTRASOSIAL "Kabar Dari Negeri Drama" from Filthy Scum EP, 2019 (Indonesia)

25. SUMMON THE CROWS "The burning" from S/t split EP with DEVIATED INSTINCT, 2012 (Norway)

26. DOOM "Thatchercide" from Corrupt Fucking System LP, 2013 (England)

27. HOLY EXTERMINATION "They need blood" from S/t split EP with BURN THE CROSS, 2013 (Poland)

28. FILTHY HATE "Hatred stench corpse" from Mentally Parasite... Bloody Predator tape, 2014 (Japan)

29. NAPALM RAID "No law" from Wheel of War LP, 2017 (Canada)

30. LIFE "River of filth" from Polluted Water Drainage Wreck Of Culture / Genosida Populasi split EP with ZUDAS KRUST, 2017 (Japan)

31: ΠΑΡΟΞΥΣΜΟΣ / PAROKSISMOS "Οι Θεοί Της Λήθης" from Οι Θεοί Της Λήθης EP, 2013 (Greece)

32. SKUNK "Critical death" from S/t split EP with EXISTENCH, 2015 (Canada)

33. HUFF RAID "Insect" from Euro Tour Tape tape, 2017 (Poland)

34. DISTURD "Darkness" from Dark cd, 2015 (Japan)

35. INSTINCT OF SURVIVAL "What will you do?" from Call of the Blue Distance LP, 2014



01. EXTINCTION OF MANKIND "Reap what you sow" from Reap What You Sow / S/t split EP with APOCALYPSE, 2017 (England)

02. PARASIT "The new disease" from Välj Din Egen Bödel LP, 2013 (Sweden)

03. UNARM "歪んだ秩序" from The Voice From Forced Silence EP, 2018 (Japan)

04. DEATH CRUSADE "Godzinę Stąd" from Rakieta///Bomba LP, 2017 (Poland) 

05. APPALACHIAN TERROR UNIT "Black sands" from Black Sands EP, 2012 (U$A)

06. SCUM SYSTEM KILL "Conscience of humanity" from Scandinavian Tour tape, 2018 (England)

07. HOSTILITER "Nell'abisso" from A New Dawn For Lost Mankind CD, 2016 (Italy)

08. HELLSTORM "All shall perish in flames" from S/t / Διαίρει-Και-Βασίλευε split LP with ΠΑΝΙΚΟΣ / PANIKOS, 2013 (Greece)

09. LAST AGONY "Agony" from S/t demo tape, 2018 (Canada)

10. ROXOR "Obraz doby" from Obras Doby! LP, 2013 (Slovakia)

11. ZIKADE "Collapse of a depraved society" from S/t split EP with BRÄINCELL, 2019 (Japan)

12. SUBLIMINAL DARKNESS "Construction" from 2nd Demo CDR, 2013 (Japan)

13. PHOZGENE "Ignore their pain" from S/t tape, 2017 (Canada)

14. JUVENTUD PODRIDA "Pandemonio" from S/t split EP with SISTEMAS DE ANIQUILACION, 2015 (Panama)

15. AKRASIA "The observer" from Observe the Darkness EP, 2019 (Norway)

16. LUST FOR DEATH "Ghost in a maze" from Demons LP, 2017 (France)

17. VOID FORGER "Pointless media" from Ruined demo CDR, 2012 (Romania)

18. ĐORNATA "Blah" from Simple, Fast and Good + So What LP, 2014 (Slovenia)

19. PUTREFACTION "Welcome death" from Scavenger EP, 2015 (Ireland)

20. WARKRUSHER "Epitaph" from S/t tape, 2019 (Canada)

21. MASSGRAVE "Presidents dick" from You Are Freaks too... tape, 2010 (Japan)

22. ZUDAS KRUST "Genosida populasi" from Polluted Water Drainage Wreck Of Culture / Genosida Populasi split EP with LIFE, 2017 (Indonesia)

23. D-CLONE "We make next generation" from Creation and Destroy LP, 2012 (Japan)

24. ΠΑΝΙΚΟΣ / PANIKOS "Το Ξ​ύ​π​ν​η​μ​α Α​π​ό Τ​ο​ν Λ​ή​θ​α​ρ​γ​ο" from Awakening From Lethargy LP, 2011 (Greece)

25. WAR PLAGUE "Crusher" from On a Darker Dawn LP, 2012 (U$A)

26. SEITAN "Krossa våldspatriarkatet" from Krossa Våldspatriarkatet LP, 2021 (recorded in 2012) (Sweden)

27. SWORDWIELDER "Cyborgs" from System Overlord LP, 2019 (Sweden)

28. CANCER SPREADING "Insomnia" from Insomnia / S/t split EP with FATUM, 2014 (Italy)



01. LAST LEGION ALIVE "Holy thrones" from Burning Eutopia split LP with CANCER SPREADING, 2013 (Belgium)

02. WARCOLLAPSE "As they decide" from Desert of Ash 12", 2019 (Sweden)

03. BLINDED HUMANITY "Nasi not nazi" from Mind Control EP, 2019 (Singapore)

04. INSTINCT? "Pray to death" from Pray to Death tape, 2019 (U$A)

05. WASTELAND "Killers" from ?, 2012 (Slovenia)

06. SOW THREAT "War is tragedy" from Hate and Love LP, 2019 (Japan)

07. ΑΠΝΟΙΑ / APNOIA "Διχόνοια" from Θρίαμβος Του Μίσους tape, 2018 (Greece)

08. OILTANKER "Coma" from The Shadow of Greed LP, 2011 (U$A)

09. NONPRESIDENT "Smacznego" from S/t split LP with MITRĘGA, 2015 (Poland)

10. NIS "Felicità" from Origini D'Odio / Nel Dilagare Della Follia split EP with WARPATH, 2011 (Italy)

11. WEALD "Black bloc" from Demo 2011 tape, 2012 (U$A) 

12. DROPEND "Grief" from Distortion Hell EP, 2013 (Japan)

13. AMBUSH "Ghastly remnants" from 4 Track flexi, 2014 (U$A)

14. CARNAGE "Final debt" from 342341n-1322717e tape, 2017 (Portugal)

15. LOS REZIOS "Izquierdismo (es mierda!)" from Clarificacion LP, 2011 (Peru) 

16. ROÄC "Beware" from Rites of Ostara tape, 2016 (U$A)

17. DEVIATED INSTINCT "End times" from S/t split EP with SUMMON THE CROWS, 2012 (England)

18. VITRIOLIC RESPONSE "Linge d'arret" from Dark Wings Spread / Your Life is Fucked split EP with SYSTEM SHIT, 2014 (England)

19. POLLEN "Demoralize" from Fear of Another War EP, 2017 (U$A)

20. KRANG "The Earth was blue but there was no God" from Sounds of Death LP, 2012 (U$A) (was supposed to be included on the youtube video but for copyright issues cannot. It is however included on the version you can download)

21. ZAY "The question of silence" from Silence and Clamor cdr, 2015 (Japan)

22. GENOGEIST "Systemic shroud" from 5 Track Demo tape, 2018 (U$A)

23. DEATH DEALERS "Starvation sells" from Files of Atrocity LP, 2010 (England / Sweden)

24. FATUM "Падение На Снег / Falling on snow" from Время Уходит Во Тьму / Time Passes to the Dark CD, 2012 (Russia)

25. LIFELESS DARK "Outcry" from Who Will Be the Victims? tape, 2018 (U$A)

26. ULCER "Vandalism" from Vandalism LP, 2017 (Japan)

27. RIGOROUS INSTITUTION "Penitent" from Penitent EP, 2019 (U$A)

28. MORTAL WAR "Slave to darkness" from Gates of Hell tape, 2017 (U$A)