Wednesday, 16 December 2015

3-Way Cum "The last cumshow?" Ep, 1997

At the sorry game of "good bands with terrible names", 3-Way Cum might take the fucking biscuit. A few months ago, I had mentioned that Slimy Venereal Diseases pretty much shot themselves in the foot, but as corny as their moniker was, it still indicated that they were a grinding band. 3-Way Cum, on the other hand, picked a name fit for an embarrassing porngrind band reeking of sexual frustration, while they actually were a top-notch Scandinavian crust outfit, certainly one of Sweden's very best in the 90's. Blimey if that makes any sense. I guess one may argue that something got lost in translation, a bit like Raped Teenagers was fortunately not a band about child pornography, but they probably wanted a name that expressed the idea of "being young, skint and fucked by the system in 1984" and ended up with one of the most horrible things to type on Google 30 years later. I am honestly clueless about the meaning of the name "3-Way Cum", since there is nothing sexually graphic or sexist in their lyrics. One of the band members must have lost a bet after a drunken party and had to use that name for his next band.

Anyway, 3-Way Cum's existence stretched from 1993 to 1997, four years during which they recorded one full Lp, two Ep's and two split Ep's, one of which (with State of Fear-worshipping Another Oppressive System from Connecticut) would be released posthumously in 2001. The line-up comprised two members of Sauna, an early 90's crustcore band most famous for their split Lp with Disrupt, and that, incidentally, also had a bit of a strange name, and had the drummer of Warcollapse. So even if you have never heard about 3-Way Cum, these connections will already give you some idea about their sound.

Truth be told, 3-Way Cum didn't exactly start up as an all-out crusty madness band. Their first Ep, the really good "Battle of opinions" from 1993, successfully walked the thin line between furious Swedish hardcore and ENT-type crust, an exercise that many attempted in the 90's but that few did as well as 3-Way Cum. Fast, powerful Scandicore, not far from Asocial, enhanced with crusty dual vocals. Not as heavy and meaty as Hiatus, but faster and more hectic. "Battle of opinions" exemplified the great potential of blending crust and Swedish hardcore and can be seen as an early blueprint of what would come to be known as "scandicrust". 1996's "Killing the life" Lp, released on Sound Pollution like the aforementioned Ep, seemed to validate the fact that 3-Way Cum's essence was located in classic Swedish hardcore. With its cleaner, rocking production, that somewhat makes me long for the rawness of "Battle of opinion", the Lp tended to indicate that 3-Way Cum were efficiently using the same songwriting formula and even, if anything, that they were slowly drifting toward a more pronounced Swedish hardcore influence in terms of sound. And then, the following year, the band recorded "The last cumshow?" (I am not even going to try to understand the title of this Ep).

I already wrote on Terminal Sound Nuisance that Sweden, like Finland or Italy, has not really produced a lot of proper crust bands. Of course, you have the mighty Warcollapse, G-Anx or Dom Där had their crust moments, and Counterblast's "Balance of pain" is arguably one of the best metal crust Lp's ever... Very often however, what people lazily call "Swedish crust" is really just heavy Swedish hardcore with harsh vocals (and there's nothing wrong with that type of punk-rock obviously) but lacks the specific groove and tension of proper crust. But "The last cumshow?" precisely has these two things. This fantastic Ep, without the shadow of a doubt, epitomizes Swedish crust, meaning that it is a distinctively Swedish adaptation of Disrupt/ENT's crustcore. Not unlike Warcollapse, they crustified the Scandicore influence and even the metal breaks nod to classic Swedish death-metal. This Ep is absolutely glorious, with enough beat variations to keep it from being redundant and a sound that is powerful, crunchy but spontaneous. The vocals are more upfront than on their previous recordings and the combination has never worked better. They sound like a disgruntled bear with a sore throat is having an argument with a chain-smoking wolf in a pub. The songs are actually pretty catchy as well and are bound to stick with you for the rest of the day (they are still difficult to hum to, but you get the gist).

To some extent, this Ep can almost be seen as the logical progression from Sauna's crushing "Ei Leiki" demo tape from 1991, although it was recorded much later. In any case, "The last cumshow?" is certainly as good and powerful as vintage Warcollapse and that's not a small thing. It also reminds me a little of 2000's crustcore band like Visions of War in terms of impact and intensity. The lyrics are your usual mix of politics (antifascism and animal abuse) and misanthropy, with the song "Slowly we rot", being about the decaying of the human body, infertility and and loneliness. The artwork is one of a kind with stylized drawings of anonymous but smiling bodies. I am not too sure about the cover though... You can see one of these faceless characters being tied down and blindfolded by an Hitler-looking geezer, who is also chaining a fake smile unto the poor fellow's face. There is a camera at the bottom that suggests that this is meant to be photographed. Was it the band's vision of the phrase "say cheese"? I'll go for that.

This Ep was released on Elderberry Records, a label responsible for putting out records from top Swedish bands like Dom Där, Warcollapse, G-Anx, Tolshock or Counterblast, which makes it Terminal Sound Nuisance's favourite Swedish punk label ever. Elderberry even did the Extinction of Mankind/Misery split Lp. I love you guys. Following 3-Way Cum, the singer Pjär played in Parasit and in Raised By Drunks, and Kalle kept doing what he does best with Warcollapse.  



  1. The folder for this download is empty

    1. I have just checked and it looks like it is working fine... Maybe give it another go?

  2. Yeah, I'm getting blocked from downloading it.

    "File Blocked for Violation.
    The file you requested has been blocked for a violation of our Terms of Service.

    Still have questions, or think we've made a mistake? Please contact support for further assistance."

    1. Probably has to do with a certain word the file name. :)

    2. Bloody hell, I had the same problem when I posted the Naked tape...

    3. I have renamed and substituted the file. Let me know if it works this time.


  3. Still get the error with all 3 of my browsers.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. marche po comme la dit ce cher Ray :-(

    salut quand meme et merci pour l'article haha

    1. Même le nouveau? J'ai essayé en me déconnectant de mon compte mediafire et j'ai pas eu de souci...

  6. nan, que dalle j'ai juste le file blocked for violation.

    1. Ok... Bizarre. J'ai remis un lien sur autre serveur à l'intérieur du post.

  7. et la maintenant ca marche :)

  8. I'm incredibly grateful for this rip and share. Not only is this one of the more underrated bands from the 90s, also then necessarily making them one of the more underrated Swedish bands, but I feel they have held up much better than many of the more popular bands from that great HC decade as well. I could be desperately longing for quality crust, but I think it is a lot more than that. The vocals are really powerful and unique, while somehow creating the illusion they are boilerplate. Everything about this band is fantastic. They did no wrong. I'm probably more into them now than when they were in swing.

    Any chance of more rips from them? The Killing LP? Thanks again. So, so good.

    ps-the download worked for me.

    1. You're very welcome. I agree that this Ep is pretty much flawless and feels both familiar to crust-loving people and yet unique, which is the mark of great records I suppose.

      I might post the first Ep if I do a "Swedish special" at some point, but it won't be too soon.

  9. On this 70 degree scum bag feeling Christmas Eve i managed to have a day off from work and I Just thought I'd let you know how much I appreciate your blog.. Ive been following it for a while now.. I want you to know that for me this is not one of those click and move on kind of blogs.. I appreciate the knowledge you share and the cool stuff you dig up on these legendary Bands.. Im 45 and lived through it and watched the scene grow from short haired Snot nosed punks who sung about sniffing glue to Dread Locked Crusties with a real message to share.. I loved it all.. I got to see Disrupt and Nausea in their prime and to witness this first hand gave most of us a feeling of being a part of something that was bigger than all of us.. In a way this blog brings that all back and gives each band a life .. It makes one realize that these bands went way beyond just music.. They stood for what they believed in and lived a lifestyle that was unexposed up until that point.. Besides that Each D-load comes with so much cool stuff packed in.. I hope this made some kind of sense.. its a very hard thing for me to describe.. But if this blog can give just one young Punk a fraction of the feeling behind the music than thats a very cool thing.. Just showing my appreciation and letting you know that Someone out here is really enjoying your posts .. Thank you my friend.. Happy New Year to all ..

    1. Hey there,

      Thanks for a lot for your comment. It is probably the nicest, most meaningful one I have ever got on TSN and, not being too big on Christmas myself, it definitely made my day.

      I see TSN as my own, small contribution to the writing of our punk subculture. It is my heartfelt attempt at thinking about punk music and records and at showing how much I care about it and hopefully at conveying some of my passion to (young and old!) punks. The bands I write about deserve better than a cheap download link and a two-word description, they are part of my personal history and our collective one, and I am really happy and proud that it is significant to you.

      Take care and thanks again for the comment.


  10. Love reading that, Damon Baldi. Thanks.

  11. Would you consider re-upping this gem? It's one of my favorite if not my favorite crust ep. Such a masterpiece!!

  12. great article, great band, i had their "killing the time"-album in the late nineties on a pro-tape and just bought all their releases on vinyl on discogs. I haven't listened to their stuff for the last twenty years, I will check out tomorrow if their magic does still work on me.

    1. I never really managed to get into the Lp but the Ep's are really solid (especially this one).

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. Superbly written article, if only all bloggers offered the same content as you, the internet would be a far better place.. fuck

  15. Perfectly-written put up. Sauna savvy. Take pleasure in your advice.
