Monday 1 July 2013

Krigskade / Peur Panique "live in Paris" split cdr 2012

I was in a relatively good mood this morning since I didn't have to wake up at 5:30 am to fuck off to work ("running arooouuuuund like a blue-arsed fly"). And then I saw these bloody awful ads on Terminal Sound Nuisance and let me tell you that my joyful spirit didn't last long... It appears that all the blogspots have been affected, or rather infected, during the night. It probably isn't enough that we are being bombarded with advertisement all day, everyday, everywhere, they had to throw in a few more on blogs just to make sure that you spend your money and make some bastards richer.

As a consequence, in order to fight this atrocity back, I chose to post this rough and ready split live demos with two Parisian bands that you already know if you are a regular reader since I posted their demo tapes a couple of months ago. Of course, because these are live recordings, the sound won't be as good and polished but you will be able to feel the intensity of their performances. Since Krigskade and Peur Panique play very often in Paris currently, it is almost as if you were attending a squat gig in the city of light and dogshit (and yes that includes the smell). For the wretched beings who haven't the chance to listen to these local bands, Peur Panique play blistering and (really) fast hardcore while Krigskade are Heratys fanboys with a US hardcore feel to them and lyrics in Danish.

The cover was made by your truly and as you will see, my talents don't stop with writing top notch reviews, my accurate musical ear and my sophisticated tastes. I am also a remarkable graphic artist as the drawing on the cover will attest. And I am pretty good cook too.

EDIT: I got a bit carried away as it appears that the fucking ads everywhere were the result of my computer getting an adware or something like that. I do however stand by my words about the world of advertising. :)


  1. il y a des pubs sur le blog??? parce que moi j'ai la chance (apparemment) d'en voir aucune!

    et merci pour le post d'aujourd'hui!!

    heu aussi pour la demo, les fichier ont une origine mp3??? il y a une magnifique coupure des frequence a 160K, signe qui en general ne trompe pas

    1. Tu as de la chance! Depuis hier, je vois des pubs partout sur les blogspot (uniquement). Du coup je suis en train de me demander si j'ai pas chopé un spyware...

      Il est pas impossible que les fichiers d'origine soient en mp3. J'ai encodé avec Exact Audio Copy comme d'habitude mais je dois dire que je me souviens plus très bien de l'élaboration de base des fichiers dont je ne me suis pas occupé... En fait c'était juste un cdr pour que les groupes puissent faire une date à Lille avec quelque chose à refiler aux fans déchaînés ;)

  2. tu dois avoir raison, il ont du mettre des pub mais comme j'ai des addons avec mon firefox, je les vois pas (et si yen a qui passent, il restent l'anti banniere du parre feu pour finir le boulot).

    pour les fichiers, ca doit etre la meme chose pour ce live (j'ai pas encore verifier pour peur panique) mais une belle coupure vers les 16k
